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Sunday Digest | All of the Week's Infographics

Sunday Digest - Every Infographic From the Past Week View this email in your browser
Available Now: The 2023 Global Forecast Report

The most-anticipated report of the year has dropped exclusively on VC+ as part of our 2023 Global Forecast Series. 

Explore the key findings from 500+ expert predictions on the pivotal trends shaping the world.

Don't miss out on the ultimate cheat sheet for 2023 and our upcoming webinar on Jan 25th.
Get the Report

Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics

Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place! 
Prediction Consensus: What the Experts See Coming in 2023

Using our database of 500+ predictions from reports, articles, interviews, and more, we highlight what experts think will happen in 2023

Mapped: Biggest Sources of Electricity by State and Province

The U.S. and Canada rely on a different makeup of sources to generate their electricity. How does each state and province make theirs?

Visuallizing $65 Trillion in Hidden Dollar Debt

Since 2008, the value of unrecorded dollar debt has doubled. Here's why this is increasing risk in global financial markets.

Visualizing the Changing World Population, by Country

These charts highlight the changing world population between 2022 and 2050, showing which countries are growing—and shrinking—the fastest.

The Biggest Global Risks of 2023

This year's Global Risks Report highlights ongoing economic issues, such as inflation, as well as existential threats like biological weapons

Ranked: Harmful Tariffs by Economy

The U.S. has by far the most harmful tariffs, with nearly 5,000 in force. Which economy has the least tariffs?

The Rise and Fall of Music Sales, by Format (1973-2021)

50 years in music has seen consumption change from vinyl and cassettes to CDs and streaming. This video highlights music sales by format.

This Week's Flashback Favorites:

Human Evolution With a New Ancient Human Species

We visualize changes to our understanding of human evolution with the introduction of a new ancient human species, Homo bodoensis.

Originally from December 2021

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