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Sunday Digest | All of the Week's Infographics

Sunday Digest - Every Infographic From the Past Week View this email in your browser

Sunday Digest: Last Week's Infographics

Here are all the new infographics from last week in one easy place! 
Countries with the Highest Proportion of Immigrants

Here, we highlight countries that are magnets for immigration, such as UAE and Qatar, as well as nations with very few foreign born residents

The Average Home Size in Every U.S. State in 2022

Over the last century, the average home size in the U.S. has skyrocketed. Here's a look at which states have the biggest and smallest homes.

Visualizing the World's Largest Hydroelectric Dams

Hydroelectric dams generate 40% of the world's renewable energy, the largest of any type. View this infographic to learn more.

Ranked: The World's 100 Biggest Pension Funds

The world's 100 largest pension funds are worth over $17 trillion in total. Which ones are the biggest, and where are they located?

Approximately 15 billion trees are cut down annually across the world. Here's a look at the five major drivers of forest loss. 

Spotify's 'Billions Club' playlist tracks every song with over 1 billion streams. We took the data and broke it down by decade and artist.

Did you know that over two-thirds of national crops originated from somewhere else? Over time the food that built national diets has evolved.

This graphic shows income distributions in 16 different countries around the world, using data from the World Inequality Database.

Disruptive materials are experiencing a demand supercycle. See how these materials are helping revolutionize next generation technologies.

3D Map: The World's Largest Population Density Centers

What does population density look like on a global scale? These detailed 3D maps illustrate the world's biggest urban areas and trends.

This infographic from Skyharbour Resources looks closely at the next generation of uranium deposits in Canada's Athabasca Basin.

Ranked: The World's Top Cotton Producers

As the most-used natural fiber, cotton has become the most important non-food agricultural product. Here are the top cotton producers.

Gold royalty companies shield investors from inflation's rising expenses, resulting in stronger returns than gold and gold mining companies.

This Week's Flashback Favorites:

Visualizing the Accumulation of Human-Made Mass on Earth

The amount of human-made (or anthropogenic) mass, has now exceeded the weight of all life on Earth, including humans, animals, and plants.

Originally from November 2021

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