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PolkaCity Metaverse Community event and integration
ADSHARES nominated for the European Metaverse Wards
New roadmap, new partners. Read on, friend!

PolkaCity ADSHARES integration is on its way!
Last Wednesday, we held our weekly Community LIVE session both on Discord and inside PolkaCity Metaverse.
The occasion? The actual tech integration of the ADSHARES protocol with PolkaCity's infrastructure is under way!

The CEO of PolkaCity, Carmelo Milian, welcomed everyone with a TED-worthy speech about the vision and values of PolkaCity as a virtual economy designed to empower users from around the world.

There was chaos, damage, overturned buses and GTA-like pileups.
There was a rusty car Demolition Derby - and driving around PolkaCity is something we recommend trying.
There was "angry mob" demanding a free Lambo.
There was a marathon with NFT prizes.

You can watch the full recording on Twitch.

Make sure to join our weekly Discord 
Community Meeting to be the first to hear the news: Discord

ADSHARES enables monetization of virtual assets with advertising

The ADSHARES protocol will allow Polka City users to monetize their Land, Cars, Businesses with paid ads delivered through the ADSHARES protocol and settled in the ADS coin.

ReadyPlayerMe avatars for a cross-metaverse experience

ReadyPlayerMe's selfie-based avatars are fully customizable, - so you always feel a bit more like yourself.
The branded avatar clothes, provided by iconic brands - it's a great way to get your brand closer to users' virtual hearts. We are exploring the possibilities of integrating ADSHARES protocol with wearables. Imagine monetizing your avatar dynamically!


Our core team has been working tirelessly for the last two weeks in order to verify and update our Q4 and 2023 roadmap.

Our North Star? To become the Metaverse Advertising Standard
Join us!

ADSHARES nominated for the European Metaverse Awards

Soon we'll find out if the Adshares vision rings with people. Nominated as "the most interesting metaverse startup" - ADSHARES will contend for prizes and more ad tech exposure.
Keep your fingers crossed and we are looking forward to meeting you in Berlin!

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