Here's what leaders should do.
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The World's Workplace Is Broken — Here's How to Fix It | | Here's what we spend the majority of our life doing: The first is sleeping; the second is working. So why is it that (according to most of the world's workers) work is not going well? Employees are disengaged, burnt out and as stressed as they've ever been. But there's something leaders can do about it. In fact, there's something leaders must do about it. Learn more in this letter from Gallup's CEO. | | | | | |
Top Articles This Week | | The World's Costly Workplace Problem | | | | | | | Global Employee Stress Reached Another Record High in 2021 | | | | | | Explore all of our articles. | |
| New Report |  | The employee voice should be at the center of decision making as leaders look to the future. Learn more about the collective voice of the world's employees in the State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report. | | | | |
More to Explore | The insights from the State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report can equip leaders to make purposeful decisions based on how employees worldwide are truly feeling. | | | | | | Was this email forwarded to you? Never miss another newsletter — subscribe today. | |
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