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A powerful resource for our community

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stgt.xtgem.com -- I hope the spring season has you feeling refreshed. With all the flowers blooming, this time of year is often synonymous with new beginnings. As you think about the positive changes you can make this spring, I encourage you to reflect on your legacy. 

You may be surprised, but, according to our friends at FreeWill, 70% of adults in the U.S. don't have a will. If you're one of these folks, or it's been a while since you revisited your estate plans, you may want to consider using FreeWill's free online tool today. Creating or updating your legal will takes less than 20 minutes and can protect your loved ones and even benefit your favorite charities, which we hope will include Charity Navigator. 

Create my will today

When you use this tool, you'll be one of more than 480,000 individuals who have used FreeWill to write estate plans and protect their loved ones' futures. If you name Charity Navigator as one of your beneficiaries, you'll join a special group of supporters who have demonstrated their deep commitment to the world of philanthropy, ensuring future generations have access to Charity Navigator to guide their giving.

If you don't have an up-to-date estate plan, I encourage you to try FreeWill. Now is the perfect time to reflect on the impact you can provide for years to come through your legacy.

With appreciation,

P.S. Many supporters have already included a gift to Charity Navigator in their will. If you are one of them, please fill out this form, so we can thank you for making our mission a part of your enduring legacy. 

Grace Dowd (she/her/hers) | Major Gifts Officer
CHARITY NAVIGATOR | Your Guide to Intelligent Giving 

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