Energize employee performance through feedback.
How Fast Feedback Fuels Performance | | "How am I doing?" "Did that go well?" "What could I do differently?" High-performing employees long for feedback from their leaders and managers. But for many workplace cultures, timely and focused feedback isn't a priority. Make frequent feedback the norm in your organization and have more conversations that celebrate successes. | | | | | |
Top Articles This Week | | Gender Gap in Worker Burnout Widened Amid the Pandemic | | | | | | | Struggling, Suffering Employees Twice as Likely to Leave | | | | | | | Younger Workers Have Had It Worse | | | | | | Explore all of our articles. | |
More to Explore |  | When your employees' wellbeing is thriving, your organization benefits. But when your employees' wellbeing suffers, so does your organization's bottom line. | | |  | What was the pandemic's impact on businesses and employees? We have the workplace trends, insights and lessons to lead with. | | | | | | | Was this email forwarded to you? Never miss another newsletter — subscribe today. | |
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