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Your CliftonStrengths Newsletter

July 2021: Mid-Year Conversations
CliftonStrengths domain colors CliftonStrengths Insights

July marks the first month of quarter three — which means it's that time of the year again: time for midyear performance reviews.

Goal setting (or goal check-ins), employee performance and upcoming pay conversations are all top of mind right now. But have you considered how you can make your performance review conversations easier?

Here are 11 ways to improve performance reviews with CliftonStrengths.


When it comes to performance, what should you be looking for?


What We're Reading
Communication, Burnout and a Leader's Role in Both

Performance conversations have to look different this year.

After last year, employees, managers and leaders have experienced work in a completely different way. And standard "here's how you can improve" conversations aren't going to cut it.

Some employees are working at home, some are fully back in the office, and others move between both locations — which means leaders are left trying to communicate with their employees across their many destinations.

The good news is this: It's not about where employees work. It's about how frequently and how well managers communicate with them. Stop overthinking communication and read Communicate Better With Employees, Regardless of Where They Work to learn more.

If communication wasn't already difficult enough, managers and leaders must also keep wellbeing and burnout top of mind when checking in with employees. Refer to Gallup's How to Prevent Employee Burnout page for our best advice on this subject.


Coming Up
Join Live on LinkedIn and Ask Questions in Real Time

Check out these opportunities to join LinkedIn Live with Jim Collison and special guests, Jaclynn Robinson, Paul Walters and Maika Leibbrandt. Join others in the CliftonStrengths community to connect and ask questions.

How to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace
July 19, 12:30-1 p.m. (CDT)
Creating a Thriving Life With Your Strengths
Aug. 3, 12:30-1 p.m. (CDT)
How to Improve Your Career
Aug. 26, 12:30-1 p.m. (CDT)


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