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Energy sustainability is part of Adshares DNA

Adshares blockchain (ADS) - energy sustainability and high throughput

Dear Friends and Partners,

Sustainability and energy consumption are real issues that we, as part of the blockchain industry, can't ignore.

Adshares is definitely sustainable and energy efficient.

Proclaming this is not a reaction to the recent polemic launched by Elon musk and even less 'green washing' but well and truly explaining Adshares DNA!

This is something we can say and assume easily because we have tested it and can demonstrate it:
  • Our ADS blockchain is peaking at 1.4M transfers per second when sending multi transfers from 1 to 1000 accounts.
  • ADS is using almost 90Mb of bandwidth in peak moments.
  • The masternodes that process clients' transfer requests are using less than 30% of CPU in peak moments, the other masternodes that do not process clients' requests are using less than 7% of CPU.
Discover our test results

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