Webinar Date: June 24, 2021
Cultivating Wellbeing at Work
Learn how you can develop strategies to create a net thriving culture.
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What if the next global crisis is a mental health pandemic?

It is here now. Gallup finds that the best place to confront this pandemic and improve global wellbeing is the workplace.

Organizations have the power and responsibility to improve their employees' wellbeing. When leaders and managers cultivate individuals at work, they promote the success of every individual in the organization.

Wellbeing has been a hot topic in 2021 so far, but Gallup has been studying it for years. Gallup's global Wellbeing drive has led us to explore essential issues that brings deeper understanding on what wellbeing encompasses and how it impacts lives. We have consolidated research findings from over 100 million global interviews in our latest book — "Wellbeing at Work" to advise leaders and managers on how to develop better strategies so their teams can thrive.

In this webinar, our Gallup experts will advise on:

  • Your workplace's wellbeing opportunities
  • Risks to a net thriving culture
  • The role of career engagement to net thriving
  • The fastest road to net thriving