Family Voices: Building Pathways From Learning to Meaningful Work

Faced with unprecedented change in the postsecondary landscape, America's families are wrestling with questions of college, careers, skills development and meaningful work. When asked about what they most hope their child will do when they graduate from high school, parents separated into two large groups: About half of parents said they want their child to attend a four-year college, and the other half preferred their child do something else.

When looking at the lack of alignment between families' ideal pathway and the postsecondary option their child ultimately pursued, most parents said their child faced one or more barriers to that ideal path, such as a lack of financial resources, information or local access to a preferred program. A significant number of students who were not able to pursue their families' first choice ended up directly in the workforce.

Join us tomorrow as experts from Gallup and Carnegie Corporation of New York, along with leaders in education, share new research on American parents' thoughts on the postsecondary pathways they aspire to for their children — rather than only those that they feel are within reach — as well as the barriers they face to these aspirations.

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Webinar Details

The conversation will focus on:

  • What families wish for their child after high school, and the choices many must make instead
  • Views on postsecondary pathways, how effectively they prepare students for the workforce and their availability in communities nationwide
  • Barriers children face to pursuing their families' preferred postsecondary path
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
2:30 p.m. EDT
60 minutes

Dr. Michael Crow
Arizona State University

Aimée Eubanks Davis
Founder and CEO

John White
Co-Founder and Board Chair, Propel America
Former Louisiana State Superintendent of Education

Laverne Evans Srinivasan
Vice President, National Program, and Program Director, Education
Carnegie Corporation of New York

Mohamed Younis
Editor-in-Chief, Gallup News (Host)

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